Thomas Jefferson was a founding father and the third President of the United States.
A polymath with interests in science, architecture, and the arts, Jefferson was also a skilled writer and statesman. As the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, he helped shape the nation’s founding principles.
During the Revolutionary War, he served as the Governor of Virginia and later held various diplomatic roles in Europe. As Secretary of State under George Washington, and Vice President under John Adams, he became one of the key figures in the early years of the republic.
Jefferson’s presidency, from 1801 to 1809, was marked by significant achievements, including the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the United States, and the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which explored and mapped the new western territories.
As you tackle this trivia quiz, test your knowledge about the life, accomplishments, and political influence of Thomas Jefferson, one of America’s most important founding fathers.
What significant land acquisition occurred during Thomas Jefferson's presidency?

Which foreign policy accomplishment marked a significant success during Thomas Jefferson's first term in office?

What controversial court case occurred during Thomas Jefferson's presidency, which helped define the concept of judicial review?

Which document, written by Thomas Jefferson, had a lasting impact on American political philosophy and is considered one of the founding texts of the United States?

Who served as Thomas Jefferson's vice president during his first term in office?
What was Thomas Jefferson's primary occupation before entering politics?

What policy did Thomas Jefferson implement in response to British and French aggression towards American merchant ships?

Which political party did Thomas Jefferson help found and lead?

Which expedition did Thomas Jefferson sponsor to explore and map the newly acquired western territories?

What was the name of Thomas Jefferson's Virginia estate, which he designed and built himself?